Sunday, July 7, 2013

Take action now, prevent panic later!

We have accepted the fact that vitamin therapy is practical and sensible means to correct vitamin deficiencies. Doesn’t it make sense to address oxygen deficiency symptoms with ozone therapy? Many are unaware about ozone’s natural immunizing and antibody lowering effects. Ozone breaks up the disulfide bridges in antibodies. This process may reverse the most significant disease process in the body while greatly enhancing the body’s immune function and secondary detoxification systems. Ozone’s therapeutic effectiveness has been well established in the scientific community over the last 100 years. Ozone has proven itself according to the highest scientific and medical standards. Ozone therapy has the potential of helping all mankind take a giant step towards a healthier world. All the great dreamers of all past generations envisioned the day that the degenerated and infectious diseases would be conquered. Holistic dreamers envisioned the day when the average life expectancy would revert to the Biblical ideal of 120 years of excellent health. Ozone therapy could make a major contribution to that dream. “If ozone has so many healthful benefits, why doesn’t my doctor know about it?” A curious and conscientious person quite naturally asks, and then continues to wonder “why then doesn’t everyone know about it?” 


  Symptoms of Oxygen Deficiency Scientists like Dr. Way and many others now believe that the initial symptoms of oxygen deprivation which in actuality constitutes the gradual oxygen starvation of the bodies seven trillion cells as follows:
1. Despondency
2. Inability to concentrate
3. Memory loss
4. Irritability
5. Irrational behavior
6. Irrationality
7. Chronic hostility
8. Mood swings
9. Depression
10. Mental Disorientation
11. Anxiety
12. Overall bodily weakness
13. Muscle aches
14. Dizziness
15. Undue fatigue
16. Circulation problems
17. Acid stomach
18. Constipation
19. Poor digestion
20. Susceptibility to cold and flue infection
21. Bronchial congestion
22. Respiratory problems
23. Tumors
24. Lowered immunity
25. Bacterial infections
26. Viral infections
27. Candida
28 Parasitic infections 

 The goal of ozone therapy is to deliver an abundance of life enhancing super oxygen to the blood. The more oxygen we have in the blood, the more bio-energy and vitality in the blood and the higher our life force. As a result of ozone, the blood circulation improves. Super oxygen is then carried to every cell in the body. Every gland and organ is bathed in precious oxygen, which cleanses, purifies, and carries off unwanted waste products, metabolic debris, acids, and other unwanted morbific material which cause disease and prematurely age the bodies cell structure. Remember that ozone is super oxygen, which is an incredible healer and cleanser. The cleaner and purer the blood, the healthier every gland, organ and system of the body, the life is in the blood. Harmful viruses, bacteria, Candida, Cancer cells, microorganisms and other disease entities are different from health cells; they thrive in carbon dioxide and cannot live in super oxygen. We believe a detoxified, nutritionally sound, super-oxygenated body will heal itself. Ozone therapy is not a new therapy; discovered in the 1830’s it has proven itself to be an effective therapy since 1880. Most of the clinical ozone therapy that has been administered in recent years has been done outside the U.S.A. For reasons explained on this page. Those clinics doing therapy outside the U.S.A. usually administer it intravenously. 




How Does Ozone Therapy Work

1. Ozone therapy stimulates the production of white blood cells, which fight infection.
2. Ozone therapy kills every type of virus on contact. When ozone comes in contact, even with the strongest virus, the virus is ripped apart and destroyed every single time. Ozone is a perfect virucidal. For over 100 years it has converted sewage into drinking water, imagine what it can do inside your body.
3. Ozone increases oxygen and hemoglobin disassociation, thus increasing the delivery of oxygen from the blood to the cells.
4. Ozone is anti-neoplastic, inhibiting the growth of new tumors.
5. Ozone oxidizes and degrades toxic by products of petrochemicals.
6. Ozone increases red blood cell membrane dispensability, thus enhancing their flexibility and effectiveness.
7. Ozone increases the body’s natural production of interferon and tumor necrosis factor, which the body uses to fight infections and cancers.
8. Ozone therapy increases the efficiency of the antioxidant enzyme system, which scavenges excess free radicals in the body.
9. Ozone therapy accelerates the citric acid cycle, which is the main cycle for the liberation of energy from sugars.
10. Ozone stimulates the basic metabolism.
11. Ozone speeds the breakdown of protein, carbohydrates and fats to be used as energy.
12. Ozone therapy speeds the healing/regeneration process.
13. Ozone therapy speeds the recuperation and rejuvenation process.
14. Ozone speeds the body’s natural detoxification process.
15. Ozone is a great purifier of the blood.
16. Cancer cells cannot live in ozone. Cancer is an anaerobic disease, which means it cannot live in oxygen. Ozone is super oxygen. We believe the best time to fight cancer is before the word cancer is even uttered. Preventive medicine means enrolling in a series of weekly ozone treatments followed by a monthly maintenance treatment program as a health enhancement. Panic now, relax later.
17. Dead cells are oxygen-starved cells. Live cells are oxygen abundant cells. Ozone therapy pushes oxygen into cells and helps prevent oxygen starvation disease.
18. All degenerate diseases are oxygen starvation diseases. Ozone therapy is a safe, inexpensive, effective and sensible preventative medicine.
19. Yeast, fungi, and Candida cannot flourish in ozone.
20. Worms, amoeba, and parasites cannot live in ozone.
21. Healthy cells become healthier in ozone.
22. Ozone enhances brain function. The brain is only 2% of the bodies mass, but it uses up to 36% of its oxygen. Most people’s brains are stressed out and oxygen starved.
23. Ozone therapy extends the life of the cell making it the ideal anti aging medicine.
24. Ozone therapy helps increase endurance and the cell’s ability to recuperate.
25. Ozone therapy helps athletics enhance their performance.


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