Sunday, July 7, 2013


Ozone therapy is an incredible rejuvenator, normalizer, detoxifier, regenerator, immune enhancer and physical and mental energizer. It may even prove to be histories perfect preventative medicine that helps to elevate our nation to a higher level of wellness.

 Ozone clearly challenges the primacy of orthodox drug medicine. Why should our nation continue to consume large quantities of pharmaceuticals with their so-called side effects that are in reality poisoning effects? Ozone has no harmful side effects, while drug medicine even practiced correctly according to the book, kills over 100,000 men, women, and children every year, according to the New England Journal of Medicine.

 Most people in the world are not only mineral deficient, they are oxygen deficient. The quality of life at the cellular level is dependent on oxygen.

 Ozone is a concentrated form of oxygen. Doesn’t it make sense to feed the cells some ozone from time to time as part of a total holistic, preventative, wellness lifestyle program?

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