Friday, July 26, 2013

It is given as complementary medicine.
Medical Ozone, when properly and responsibly handled for the correct indication, is safe, practical, effective and economic. However, like any other medical treatment, Ozone therapy is not a ‘cure all’.
Diseases that can be treated with Ozone Therapy:
Infected wounds:
Open leg ulcers, bed sores and burns are successfully treated by Ozone in practically all cases. Clinical studies have shown that even very severe cases improve with Ozone.
Circulatory Disorders:
Ozone Therapy gives very good results in arterial circulatory disorders characterized by sensation of heaviness and coldness and/or pains in the legs, especially while walking. (Well known as smoker’s leg or intermittent claudications) Ozone Therapy has avoided amputation in large number of cases.
Geriatric conditions:
Ozone shows general revitalizing capacity (including nerve and brain functions). Therefore, it can be successfully used for poor concentration, forgetfulness, general reduction in mental and physical performance, insecurity in walking (balancing problems) and clinical dizziness or vertigo. Elderly people generally experience a feeling of well being and improved quality of life!
Macular degeneration:
Ozone is used improve weak eye sight due to age related retinal detachment.
Intestinal conditions:
Inflammatory condition of the large intestines (eg colitis) and small intestines, fistulas and proctitis (inflammation of the rectum) – many such unpleasant and inconvenient conditions are favorably treated by Rectal Insufflation of Ozone.
Viral Diseases:
A series of clinical trials has shown good results of Ozone treatment in painful, viral conditions like herpes and hepatitis. Ozone Therapy reduces the duration of the diseases heals more efficiently and patient is back to his normal state of well-being in short time.
Ozone Therapy, in these conditions, causes pain and inflammation to subside. Repeated treatment may even produce permanent restoration.
Ozone Therapy is give as a complementary therapy in addition to standard methods. It produces its effects by immune activation.

What does it do? To breifly summarize, ozone accomplishes these very important tasks in your body


What does it do? To breifly summarize, ozone accomplishes these very important tasks in your body:

1/ Ozone is AntiAging (some of those AntiAging effects can be attributed to the following list of actions...)

2/ Ozone Increases Oxygenation of your Cells (it has been proven that cancer and disease grow in poorly oxygenated tissues in your body).

3/ Ozone Modulcates your Immune System (for those with a weakened immune system, Ozone will boost the immune system. For those with Auto-Immune Disorders, Ozone will modulate the immune system to help to stop it from attacking healthy human cells.)

4/ Ozone Increases Energy Production in your Cells (your cells need energy to be healthy; low energy levels mean that you and your cells will not be healthy and will age)

5/ Ozone Increases the Activity of your "Anti-Oxidant Enzyme Systems". This means ozone will reduce the oxidation levels of your body.

6/ Ozone Reduces the level of acidity of your body (never mind the Alkaline Water...use Ozone!)

7/ Ozone kills Bacteria, Viruses (and virtually all other disease causing organisms) on contact

8/ Ozone Kills Cancer cells on contact