Thursday, September 5, 2013

                  LIVE BLOOD ANALYSIS

 Live and dry blood analysis is a procedure whereby a miniscule amount of blood is taken from the end of one of the fingers of the non-dominant hand. The pinprick is similar to that used for measuring glucose levels.
      Once taken, the blood is mounted onto a slide and viewed by the microscopist using a darkfield microscope. The images, magnified to 1000x can also be viewed by the client via the camera and laptop computer. On screen the client will be enabled to see individual red and white blood cells as well as bacterial and fungal forms in the plasma fluid which makes up the rest of the blood.

      In dry blood analysis, the dry blood taken from the same pinprick is viewed using a brightfield microscope.
      Conventional allopathic blood tests are quantitative, whereas live and dry blood analysis is qualitative. It reveals the overall state of a person’s health. Our blood must reach every cell in our body to provide it with nourishment and oxygen and to remove carbon dioxide. It therefore follows that the state of our blood within us can give a clear indication of the condition of our inner terrain. A nutritional microscopist is able to identify irregularities in red and white blood cells and also to interpret what lies in the surrounding plasma.

Have you ever wondered how healthy you really are on the inside?
      Live blood analysis is suitable for anyone who wants to unlock the secrets of their inner health. It provides a window into your body and allows you to see what effect your diet and lifestyle has on your inner self. It is a very motivating tool and provided positive changes are made there is a visual improvement in the blood on follow-up consultations. Live Blood Analysis is the observation of living blood cells via a microscope. It is an excellent screening tool that looks at:
• Absorption of nutrients (malabsorption)
• Toxicity Levels
• Leaky Gut Syndrome
• Food Allergies
• Bacterial Infections
• Viral Infection
• Parasitic Infections
• Liver Function & how well you are absorbing/digesting fat.
• Nutrient Deficiencies – Folate, B12, and Iron
• Inflammation in the Body
• Insulin Resistance
• Cholesterol
• Oxidative Stress (How Rusty You Are)
Why Should I Have A Live Blood Analysis?
Live Blood Analysis allows for tailoring a specific program for you by addressing your unique health challenges. Live Blood Analysis removes the guesswork. It helps your practitioner to detect changes in your blood that may indicate early stages of inflammation and disease in your body.
Homeostasis from the Greek: homeo, meaning unchanging + stasis, meaning standing is  the ability of the body or a cell to seek and maintain a condition of equilibrium or stability within its internal environment when dealing with external changes regardless of the outside conditions.
      Every second of every day the trillions of cells within the body absorb nutrients and oxygen from the blood and excrete acid wastes in the process of metabolism. However in order to function correctly the tissues of the body require a slightly alkaline environment. Indeed the blood must stay at an exact pH of 7.365 and will rob the body of calcium in order to stay that way. Other bodily fluids such as saliva, urine and the fluids surrounding and within the cells also have parameters of pH within which they must stay.  Each bodily system that is designed for regulatory processes, including; the cardiovascular system, digestion and hormone production functions optimally at a precise level of pH and will work to maintain this. Imbalances between acid and alkaline compounds put stress on the metabolism which if not rectified will interrupt all cellular activities and functions cause fatigue, premature ageing and a susceptibility to disease. 
      In humans, homeostasis happens when the body regulates body temperature in an effort to maintain an internal temperature around 98.6 degrees Fahrenheit. For example, we shiver to produce heat when cold. However, in extremely cold conditions, the blood vessels constrict which can lead to frostbite as the body tries to preserve the most important life organs such as the heart and lungs at the sacrifice of limbs.
       Blood, which is also an important 'organ' of life, must stay at an exact pH of 7.365 and the body will do anything to maintain this level, in the same way that it maintains the correct body temperature. The quality of the blood is vital to a healthy, disease free body and this is dependent on correct nutrition and lifestyle.
      Your diet and lifestyle dramatically affect the cellular health either positively or negatively. If our bodies, due to being acidic have to work harder in order to keep the blood at the slightly alkaline level of 7.365, then we will feel sick and tired. Live blood analysis is a qualitative test on live unstained blood. It is the window to your inner terrain and will indicate to you any cellular imbalances, health challenges and nutritional deficiencies you might have. The practitioner will then advise you on how to make any necessary changes in a safe and practical way, how to create healthy alkaline meals and how to use nutritional supplements to accelerate your journey to vibrant health.


In order to understand the history of live blood analysis we need to go back more than 100 years to the works of prominent scientists such as Antoine Béchamp (1816-1908) and Professor Günther Enderlein (1872-1968).
      They adhered to the principle of pleomorphism  (pleo = many; morph = form). This is the idea that microorganisms have the capacity, given the correct environment, to change in form. They believed that disease is a general condition of one’s internal environment; one’s inner terrain.
We all understand the principles of healthy flora in our digestive tract. Throughout our body, and specifically with regards to live blood analysis, in our blood, there are microforms. For the most part they stay in check, but should the environment for them become right, that is, the body is acidic and anaerobic, then they can become harmful and cause an imbalance.
This work was carried on by other prominent scientists, namely microbiologist Gaston Naessens and today by Dr. Robert O. Young who has written several books on the subject, for example: The pH Miracle and Sick and Tired, Reclaim Your Inner Terrain.
      You may be wondering why this science is not more widely known. At the same time French chemist Louis Pasteur came up with an alternative theory known as the Germ Theory of Disease. His belief was that specific unchanging types of bacteria caused specific diseases. It is this theory that has been adopted by Western medicine and the theory taught in medical schools to this day.
There is however a footnote to this story. On his deathbed Louis Pasteur is reputed to have said,
 "Bernard was correct. I was wrong. The microbe (germ) is nothing. The terrain (milieu) is everything."
There are many variations of this recant. But the essential admission is intact. Bernard was Claude Bernard, who got the terrain theory from Antoine Béchamp (who called it The Cellular Theory).