Thursday, September 5, 2013

                  LIVE BLOOD ANALYSIS

 Live and dry blood analysis is a procedure whereby a miniscule amount of blood is taken from the end of one of the fingers of the non-dominant hand. The pinprick is similar to that used for measuring glucose levels.
      Once taken, the blood is mounted onto a slide and viewed by the microscopist using a darkfield microscope. The images, magnified to 1000x can also be viewed by the client via the camera and laptop computer. On screen the client will be enabled to see individual red and white blood cells as well as bacterial and fungal forms in the plasma fluid which makes up the rest of the blood.

      In dry blood analysis, the dry blood taken from the same pinprick is viewed using a brightfield microscope.
      Conventional allopathic blood tests are quantitative, whereas live and dry blood analysis is qualitative. It reveals the overall state of a person’s health. Our blood must reach every cell in our body to provide it with nourishment and oxygen and to remove carbon dioxide. It therefore follows that the state of our blood within us can give a clear indication of the condition of our inner terrain. A nutritional microscopist is able to identify irregularities in red and white blood cells and also to interpret what lies in the surrounding plasma.

Have you ever wondered how healthy you really are on the inside?
      Live blood analysis is suitable for anyone who wants to unlock the secrets of their inner health. It provides a window into your body and allows you to see what effect your diet and lifestyle has on your inner self. It is a very motivating tool and provided positive changes are made there is a visual improvement in the blood on follow-up consultations. Live Blood Analysis is the observation of living blood cells via a microscope. It is an excellent screening tool that looks at:
• Absorption of nutrients (malabsorption)
• Toxicity Levels
• Leaky Gut Syndrome
• Food Allergies
• Bacterial Infections
• Viral Infection
• Parasitic Infections
• Liver Function & how well you are absorbing/digesting fat.
• Nutrient Deficiencies – Folate, B12, and Iron
• Inflammation in the Body
• Insulin Resistance
• Cholesterol
• Oxidative Stress (How Rusty You Are)
Why Should I Have A Live Blood Analysis?
Live Blood Analysis allows for tailoring a specific program for you by addressing your unique health challenges. Live Blood Analysis removes the guesswork. It helps your practitioner to detect changes in your blood that may indicate early stages of inflammation and disease in your body.
Homeostasis from the Greek: homeo, meaning unchanging + stasis, meaning standing is  the ability of the body or a cell to seek and maintain a condition of equilibrium or stability within its internal environment when dealing with external changes regardless of the outside conditions.
      Every second of every day the trillions of cells within the body absorb nutrients and oxygen from the blood and excrete acid wastes in the process of metabolism. However in order to function correctly the tissues of the body require a slightly alkaline environment. Indeed the blood must stay at an exact pH of 7.365 and will rob the body of calcium in order to stay that way. Other bodily fluids such as saliva, urine and the fluids surrounding and within the cells also have parameters of pH within which they must stay.  Each bodily system that is designed for regulatory processes, including; the cardiovascular system, digestion and hormone production functions optimally at a precise level of pH and will work to maintain this. Imbalances between acid and alkaline compounds put stress on the metabolism which if not rectified will interrupt all cellular activities and functions cause fatigue, premature ageing and a susceptibility to disease. 
      In humans, homeostasis happens when the body regulates body temperature in an effort to maintain an internal temperature around 98.6 degrees Fahrenheit. For example, we shiver to produce heat when cold. However, in extremely cold conditions, the blood vessels constrict which can lead to frostbite as the body tries to preserve the most important life organs such as the heart and lungs at the sacrifice of limbs.
       Blood, which is also an important 'organ' of life, must stay at an exact pH of 7.365 and the body will do anything to maintain this level, in the same way that it maintains the correct body temperature. The quality of the blood is vital to a healthy, disease free body and this is dependent on correct nutrition and lifestyle.
      Your diet and lifestyle dramatically affect the cellular health either positively or negatively. If our bodies, due to being acidic have to work harder in order to keep the blood at the slightly alkaline level of 7.365, then we will feel sick and tired. Live blood analysis is a qualitative test on live unstained blood. It is the window to your inner terrain and will indicate to you any cellular imbalances, health challenges and nutritional deficiencies you might have. The practitioner will then advise you on how to make any necessary changes in a safe and practical way, how to create healthy alkaline meals and how to use nutritional supplements to accelerate your journey to vibrant health.


In order to understand the history of live blood analysis we need to go back more than 100 years to the works of prominent scientists such as Antoine Béchamp (1816-1908) and Professor Günther Enderlein (1872-1968).
      They adhered to the principle of pleomorphism  (pleo = many; morph = form). This is the idea that microorganisms have the capacity, given the correct environment, to change in form. They believed that disease is a general condition of one’s internal environment; one’s inner terrain.
We all understand the principles of healthy flora in our digestive tract. Throughout our body, and specifically with regards to live blood analysis, in our blood, there are microforms. For the most part they stay in check, but should the environment for them become right, that is, the body is acidic and anaerobic, then they can become harmful and cause an imbalance.
This work was carried on by other prominent scientists, namely microbiologist Gaston Naessens and today by Dr. Robert O. Young who has written several books on the subject, for example: The pH Miracle and Sick and Tired, Reclaim Your Inner Terrain.
      You may be wondering why this science is not more widely known. At the same time French chemist Louis Pasteur came up with an alternative theory known as the Germ Theory of Disease. His belief was that specific unchanging types of bacteria caused specific diseases. It is this theory that has been adopted by Western medicine and the theory taught in medical schools to this day.
There is however a footnote to this story. On his deathbed Louis Pasteur is reputed to have said,
 "Bernard was correct. I was wrong. The microbe (germ) is nothing. The terrain (milieu) is everything."
There are many variations of this recant. But the essential admission is intact. Bernard was Claude Bernard, who got the terrain theory from Antoine Béchamp (who called it The Cellular Theory).

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Manfaat Terapi Ozone

Bukti dan laporan yang saintifik mahupun anekdot tentang terapi ozon seoah-olah sesuatu yang sukar dipercayai.  Mungkin anda tidak pernah mendengar tentang terapi semulajadi yang sunggu menakjubkan ini.  Ini disebabkan, sehingga kini pihak berwajib di negara kita terbelakang dalam penyelidikan tentang kegunaan ozon.  Walaubagaimanapun, Persidangan Ozon Sedunia ke-6 yang telah berlangsung di Washington D.C dalam bulan Mei 1983, telah membentangkan kertas kerja tentang kegunaan terapeutik dan perubatan ozon.  Kertas kerja tersebut termasuklah mengenai barah, herpes dan arthritis rheumatoid yang ditulis ole pakar-pakar yang diiktiraf dalam bidang masing-masing.  Kesimpulan daripada kertas kerja tersebut adalah

1. Ozon membunuh kulat, bakteria dan virus yang tidak dikehendaki daripada darah seperti ia membersihkan bakteria dan virus daripada air.

2. Kemungkinan untuk dijangkiti oleh virus, hepatitis, HIV, siflis atau penyakit berjangkit lain melalui pemindahan darah boleh dihapuskan dengan penggunaan ozon.

3. Ozon meyahkuman dari luka yang terdedah.

4. Ozon berkesan dalam terapi penyakit kardiovaskular dan serebrovaskular serta arteriosclerosis.  Ia mengembalikan perederan darah secara serta-merta, meringankan angina dan memberbaiki fungsi dan perederan darah dalam otak.

5. Ketumbuhan barah, limfona dan leukemia boleh dihapuskan tanpa pembedahan.

6. Ozon sangat berkesan terhadap semua jenis penyakit rheumatoid dan arthritis.

7. Ozon sangat berguna untuk semua jenis alahan.

8. Ozon memperbaiki keadaan selerosis multiple dan neurogikal lain, membantu melambatkan kehilangan fungsi dalam kes penyakit Alzheimer dan penyakit Parkinson.

9. Penggunaan luar ozon sangat berkesan dalam merawat kemalangan akibat kebakaran, jerawat, ulser, luka dan lecetan yang terdedah, fungus/kulat dan kecacatan kulit.

10. Ozon sangat berkesan untuk prokitis, prostatis,fisur,kandidiasis dan jangkitan yis yang lain, trikomoniasisjasis, penyakit vagina yang lain, sista pada buah pinggang, fitsula dan penyakit Chrons.

11. Mononukleus dan sirosis pada hati, AIDS, herpes dan hepatitis telah berjaya diubati dengan ozon tanpa penggunaan sebarang jenis dadah.

12. Penggunaan ozon tidak menyakitkan, tiada kesan sampingan yang memudaratkan dan sangat menjimatkan doktor mahupun pesakit.

13. Gangren telah berjaya dihapuskan dengan membekalkan ozon ke bahagian yng dijangkiti dalam persekitaran yang tertutup.  Dalam persekitaran yang tertutup ini, ozon dapat diserapkan melalui kulit dan proses penyembuhan berlku dengan cepat.  Bahagian yang dirawat selalunya bertukar dari kehitaman kepada kemerahan pada rawatan pertama.

14. Sejak tahun 1985, lebih daripada 15 negara telah membenarkan penggunaan terapi ozon.  Lebih daripada 6000 alat penghasilan ozon telah dijual di Eropah sahaja.  Daripada beribu-ribu orang yang telah dirawat, tiada satu pun kes yang melaporkan tindakbalas negatif terhadap penggunaan ozon.

Hubungi kami di talian 0196516697 untuk sebarang pertanyaan.

Monday, August 19, 2013


L-carnitine is an amino acid (a building block for proteins) that is naturally produced in the body.

L-carnitine supplements are used to increase L-carnitine levels in people whose natural level of L-carnitine is too low because they have a genetic disorder, are taking certain drugs (valproic acid for seizures), or because they are undergoing a medical procedure (hemodialysis for kidney disease) that uses up the body’s L-carnitine. It is also used as a replacement supplement in strict vegetarians, dieters, and low-weight or premature infants.

L-carnitine is used for conditions of the heart and blood vessels including heart-related chest pain, congestive heart failure (CHF), heart complications of a disease called diphtheria, heart attack, leg pain caused by circulation problems (intermittent claudication), and high cholesterol.

Some people use L-carnitine for muscle disorders associated with certain AIDS medications, difficulty fathering a child (male infertility), a brain development disorder called Rett syndrome, anorexia, chronic fatigue syndrome, diabetes, overactive thyroid, attention deficit-hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), leg ulcers, Lyme disease, and to improve athletic performance and endurance.

The body can convert L-carnitine to other amino acids called acetyl-L-carnitine and propionyl-L-carnitine. But, no one knows whether the benefits of carnitines are interchangeable. Until more is known, don’t substitute one form of carnitine for another.

How does it work?

L-carnitine helps the body produce energy. It is important for heart and brain function, muscle movement, and many other body processes.

L-carnitine is LIKELY SAFE for most people when taken by mouth. It is also safe when used as an injection, with the approval of a healthcare provider. It can cause side effects such as nausea, vomiting, stomach upset, heartburn, diarrhea, and seizures. It can also cause the urine, breath, and sweat to have a “fishy” odor.

L-carnitine is POSSIBLY SAFE when used appropriately, short-term in children.

Special Precautions & Warnings:

Pregnancy and breast-feeding: Not enough is known about safety of using L-carnitine during pregnancy. Stay on the safe side and avoid use.

Taking L-carnitine is POSSIBLY SAFE in breast-feeding women when taken in the amounts recommended. Small amounts of L-carnitine have been given to infants in breast milk and formula with no reported side effects. The effects of large amounts taken by a breast-feeding mother are unknown.
Under-active thyroid (hypothyroidism): Taking L-carnitine might make symptoms of hypothyroidism worse.
Seizures: L-carnitine seems to make seizures more likely in people who have had seizures before. If you have had a seizure, don’t use L-carnitine.

Moderate Interaction Be cautious with this combination

  • Acenocoumarol (Sintrom) interacts with L-CARNITINEAcenocoumarol (Sintrom) is used to slow blood clotting. L-carnitine might increase the effectiveness of acenocoumarol (Sintrom). Increasing the effectiveness of acenocoumarol (Sintrom) might slow blood clotting too much. The dose of your acenocoumarol (Sintrom) might need to be changed.
  • Thyroid hormone interacts with L-CARNITINEL-carnitine seems to decrease how well thyroid hormone works in the body. Taking L-carnitine with thyroid hormone might decrease the effectiveness of the thyroid hormone.
  • Warfarin (Coumadin) interacts with L-CARNITINEWarfarin (Coumadin) is used to slow blood clotting. L-carnitine might increase the effects of warfarin (Coumadin) and increase the chances of bruising and bleeding. Be sure to have your blood checked regularly. The dose of your warfarin (Coumadin) might need to be changed.


"Glutathione is a very interesting, very small molecule that's [produced by the body and] found in every cell," says Gustavo Bounous, MD, director of research and development at Immunotec and a retired professor of surgery at McGill University in Montreal, Canada. "It's the [body's] most important antioxidant because it's within the cell."
Antioxidants -- the most well known of which are vitamins C and E -- are important for good health because they neutralize free radicals, which can build up in cells and cause damage. Because glutathione exists within the cells, it is in a prime position to neutralize free radicals. It also has potentially widespread health benefits because it can be found in all types of cells, including the cells of the immune system, whose job is to fight disease.
Glutathione occurs naturally in many foods, and people who eat well probably have enough in their diets, says Dean Jones, PhD, professor of biochemistry and director of nutritional health sciences at Emory University in Atlanta. Those with diets high in fresh fruits and vegetables and freshly prepared meats are most likely just fine. On the other hand, those with poor diets may get too little. 

What Does Glutathione Do?
The strong antioxidant effect of glutathione helps keep cells running smoothly. Bounous and another glutathione expert, Jeremy Appleton, ND, say it also helps the liver remove chemicals that are foreign to the body, such as drugs and pollutants.
Appleton is chairman of the department of nutrition at the National College of Naturopathic Medicine in Portland, Ore., and senior science editor for Healthnotes, a database on complementary and alternative medicine available at newspaper stands and health food stores.
Evidence for the important role that glutathione plays in health comes from studies in people who are severely ill.
"If you look in a hospital situation at people who have cancer, AIDS, or other very serious disease, almost invariably they are depleted in glutathione," says Appleton. "The reasons for this are not completely understood, but we do know that glutathione is extremely important for maintaining intracellular health." 

How Should Glutathione Be Taken?
Glutathione is probably not well absorbed into the body when taken by mouth. One way to get around that is to take it by vein. A more practical solution is to take the precursors -- that is, the molecules the body needs to make glutathione -- rather than glutathione itself. While there is no solid proof this works, the consensus among experts is that that doing so will increase the amount of glutathione in the cells.
Bounous has developed a glutathione-enhancing product called Immunocal, which is made up of glutathione precursors, mainly the amino acid cysteine.
Who Does Glutathione Help?
Animal and laboratory studies have demonstrated that glutathione has the potential to fight almost any disease, particularly those associated with aging, since free radical damage is the cause of many of the diseases of old age.
"Theoretically, there are many very strong arguments in favor of a therapeutic use of glutathione," says Appleton. "But when people have actually tried to use glutathione as an oral supplement, nasal spray, or intravenously, the results have been more of a preliminary nature. The amount of research on glutathione as a supplement ... is very limited."
Nevertheless, people have tried glutathione for the treatment of a whole host of conditions, including cancer, high blood pressure, Parkinson's disease, Alzheimer's disease, cataracts, and male infertility.
The best studies have been conducted in cancer. One study involved women with ovarian cancer who were being treated with chemotherapy. Some of the women were also treated with intravenous glutathione. Those given the glutathione not only had fewer side effects from the chemotherapy but also had better overall survival rates.
Myriam Abalain of Montreal, Canada, is one of the many people who have taken Bounous's Immunocal to combat cancer. In 1996, at age 33, a routine PAP smear revealed she had precancerous cells on her cervix, which is one step away from having cervical cancer. The three specialists she visited all told her that a hysterectomy was her only option, but she hesitated to have such major, life-altering surgery.
Instead, she waited. For more than two years, her condition remained stable. Then a friend suggested she try Immunocal. After eight months of taking the supplement, her physician could no longer detect any precancerous cells. Does this mean Immunocal cured her? It's hard to say based on just one case like hers. It is possible her body went into remission naturally.
Even Bounous acknowledges there's no real proof his product cured her cancer, but he's working on conducting good clinical research, comparing individuals with cancer taking glutathione to those who are not.
What Are the Risks?
Overall, taking glutathione or its precursors in reasonable amounts appears to be quite safe, although it should be avoided in people with milk protein allergies and in those who have received an organ transplant. There is also some concern, however, about the safety of taking glutathione for the one condition for which there is the greatest evidence of its usefulness: cancer.
"People don't get concerned about these health-promoting [supplements] until they're in their 50s and 60s," says Emory's Dean Jones. At that point, they may already have the initial precancerous [cells]. Therefore, the supplements, just like they promote health in normal tissues, might promote health in the precancerous tissue."
Appleton recognizes this possibility but says "there's no evidence that supplementing with glutathione, even intravenously, is in any way going to make any cancer worse. In fact, the evidence we have suggests the opposite. It suggests that glutathione and other antioxidants, far from interfering with the activity of chemotherapy, appear to reduce side effects without decreasing efficacy and may, in fact, improve the efficacy of the chemotherapy in fighting cancer."
Bounous says his research has demonstrated that taking Immunocal actually lowers glutathione in cancer cells while increasing it in normal cells. As a result, the cancer cells are more vulnerable to chemotherapy, and the normal cells are protected.
The upshot? The experts disagree on who should take glutathione or its precursors. Bounous says everyone should take it in order to optimize overall health. Appleton would reserve it for people with cancer. Jones says it might only prove beneficial for those who eat poorly and are thus unlikely to be getting much glutathione or its precursors in their diet.
They all acknowledge that people with severe diseases known to be associated with low glutathione levels, such as AIDS, may well benefit from the supplement, although there is no proof to this effect.
For her part, Myriam Abalain is still taking Immunocal and feeling fine. "I'm doing pretty good now," she says. "I'm in better shape than ever!"

Sunday, August 18, 2013


Alpha lipoic acid is a fatty acid found naturally inside every cell in the body. It's needed by the body to produce the energy for our body's normal functions. Alpha lipoic acid converts glucose (blood sugar) into energy. Other names for it include lipoic acid, thioctic acid, and ALA.

Alpha lipoic acid is also an antioxidant, a substance that neutralizes potentially harmful chemicals called free radicals. What makes alpha lipoic acid unique is that it functions in water and fat, unlike the more common antioxidants vitamin C and vitamin E ,and it appears to be able to recycle antioxidants such as vitamin C and glutathione after they have been used up. Glutathione is an important antioxidant that helps the body eliminate potentially harmful substances. Alpha lipoic acid increases the formation of glutathione.

 Health Benefits of Alpha Lipoic Acid:

1) Peripheral Neuropathy

Peripheral neuropathy can be caused by injury, nutritional deficiencies, chemotherapy or by conditions such as diabetes, Lyme disease, alcoholism, shingles, thyroid disease, and kidney failure. Symptoms can include pain, burning, numbness, tingling, weakness, and itching.
Alpha lipoic acid is thought to work as an antioxidant in both water and fatty tissue, enabling it to enter all parts of the nerve cell and protect it from damage.
Preliminary studies suggest that alpha lipoic acid may help. In one of the largest studies on the use of alpha lipoic acid, 181 people took 600 mg, 1200 mg or 1800 mg of alpha lipoic acid a day or a placebo. After 5 weeks, alpha lipoic acid improved symptoms. The dose that was best tolerated while still providing benefit was 600 mg once daily.

2) Brain Function

Alpha lipoic acid can cross the blood-brain barrier, a wall of tiny vessels and structural cells, and pass easily into the brain. It is thought to protect brain and nerve tissue by preventing free radical damage.

3) Age-Related Conditions

As an antioxidant, alpha lipoic acid can neutralize free radicals which can damage cells. Free radical damage is thought to contribute to aging and chronic illness.

Other Common Uses:

Alpha lipoic acid has also been suggested for cataracts, glaucoma, multiple sclerosis, burning mouth syndrome, Alzheimer's disease and stroke, but large, well-designed studies are needed to see if it's effective for these conditions.


Alpha lipoic acid is made by the body and can be found in very small amounts in foods such as spinach, broccoli, peas, Brewer's yeast, brussel sprouts, rice bran, and organ meats.

Side Effects

Side effects of alpha lipoic acid may include headache, tingling or a "pins and needles" sensation, skin rash, or muscle cramps.
There have been a few reports in Japan of a rare condition called insulin autoimmune syndrome in people using alpha lipoic acid. The condition causes hypoglycemia and antibodies directed against the body's own insulin without previous insulin therapy.
The safety of alpha lipoic acid in pregnant or nursing women, children, or people with kidney or liver disease is unknown.

Possible Drug Interactions

Alpha lipoic acid may improve blood sugar control, so people with diabetes who are taking medication to lower blood sugar, such as metformin (Glucophage), glyburide (DiaBeta, Glynase), should only take alpha lipoic acid under the supervision of a qualified health professional and have their blood sugar levels carefully monitored.
Animal studies indicate that alpha lipoic acid may alter thyroid hormone levels, so it could theoretically have the same effect in humans. People taking thyroid medications such as levothyroxine should be monitored by their healthcare provider.

Thursday, August 15, 2013

Ozone Therapy For Heart Disease


Ozone Therapy For Heart Disease

Ozone therapy is the fastest known method of treatment for patients with heart disease like cardiovascular complexities and fatigue. It takes less expense and time in comparison to the invasive procedures such as heart by-pass surgery or angioplasty.Ozone therapy has amazing record of successful uses in heart disease treatments.

Use of Ozone in cardiovascular diseases (especially angina) and chronic fatigue/pain has shown significant results in relief and operational success. This simple naturopathic medical procedure improves oxygen circulation and utilization of the heart tissues.

Medical Ozone can decrease the thickness and viscosity of blood that would make it easier for circulation and also stimulate dilation as well as relaxation of the artery walls. This can help recovery of the inner arterial space from fats that create blocks in the arteries (atheromatous plaques). 
 How does ozone therapy work in heart disease therapy

This therapy works as a strong stimulator for proper circulation (oxygen delivery to cells) and proper energy generation (oxygen utilization by cells). The human body cells, including the heart and muscles generate their own energy for use. Oxygen plays the key role in this process. If the amount of appropriate energy is generated by the cells, pain and fatigue will not occur or at least less than before.

Ozone helps with both in oxygen supply and oxygen use by the cells after the ozone-blood mixture has been delivered to veins. 
The Patient Experience The heart disease patients, who have received the therapy, expressed positive recommendations. A short medical survey based upon the patients’ opinions shows positive testimony. The treatment requires less amount of time, so it saves both time and expense. Physical movements and activities become easier, so they can walk, exercise and do regular activities without any kind of tension or pain.  They can think much clearly and life becomes more normal thus increasing quality of life.  

Ozone therapy does not require any recovery time and in fact most patients feel better and younger than before they come to the therapy center after treatment. They are able to drive themselves home after treatment.

As far as Safety, a medical study in Germany proved ozone to be the safest among all the medical therapies. There is a little possibility of allergy to heparin, though this is a commonly used blood thinner in all related medical treatments. Some patients do not like to see their own blood to be taken and processed, but they quickly become accustomed to this

Ozone Therapy For Diabetes


Ozone Therapy For Diabetis

Ozone therapy has been used for the treatment of many dangerous diseases. The conventional treatment system has been not so much of a benefit in the case of these diseases. Diabetes is one. In many countries of the world, ozone therapy is used for diabetes treatment.

Ozone therapy is an additional treatment for preventing complexities in case of diabetes along with probable amputations, diabetic retinopathy and improving ulcer healing. 
  In the case of diabetes treatment, ozone therapy has the following effects:

1. Improves the blood circulation.
2. Stimulate the antioxidant defense systems.
3. Activate immune cells.
4. Modulate immune system.
5. Activate red blood cells.
6. Disinfect and clean wounds.

 All these are very good for health. For a diabetes patient, all these are very important.

 Silvia Mendez is the Head of Medical Applications in Ozone Research Center in Cuba. According to her, ozone therapy is much more effective than any other treatment. According to Silvia, ozone therapy is good for diabetes because it not only avoids different complications but also achieve a better and faster healing of the ulcers.

 Moreover it affects the diabetic patient’s metabolism. After a good diet, the glucose parameters of the patient are normalized.

 Depending on the pathology, there are other ways of ozone application. Dorstewitz highlighted the parental application’s role. In these applications, major automotherapy is mostly used. It involves the extraction of patient’s blood. Through this blood, medical ozone is bubbled and then it go to the transfusion. This treatment is an extracorporeal one and it prevents application of intravascular gas.

 In Russia, there was a treatment of ozone therapy in diabetes. In this treatment, 38 patients were asked to give their opinions. There were 20 people who were suffering from 1st type of diabetes and the rest from 2nd type with different degrees of severity. Most of these patients were at the decomposition state and 22 have serious complexities. The treatment included the use of intravenous drop injection of the physiological solution along with the rectum injection O3/O2 of the mixture. In this course, there were almost 7 to 10 treatments. The amazing thing was that the patients found considerable improvement in their health state. They stopped complaints about being thirsty, frequent urination, skin itching, dry in a mouth tingling sensation etc. During the first hours, the glucose level of the patients lowered to 50 percent of their original level. This was a huge success. And by the time the course ended, the glucose level lowered to almost 30 percent. The best news was that almost all the patients returned home with an improved health condition. 

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Oxygen/Ozone Therapy


Oxygen/ozone therapy is a term that describes a number of different practices in which oxygen, ozone, or hydrogen peroxide are administered via gas or water to kill disease microorganisms, improve cellular function, and promote the healing of damaged tissues. The rationale behind bio-oxidative therapies, as they are sometimes known, is the notion that as long as the body's needs for antioxidants are met, the use of certain oxidative substances will stimulate the movement of oxygen atoms from the bloodstream to the cells. With higher levels of oxygen in the tissues, bacteria and viruses are killed along with defective tissue cells. The healthy cells survive and multiply more rapidly. The result is a stronger immune system.
Ozone itself is a form of oxygen, O3, produced when ultraviolet light or an electric spark passes through air or oxygen. It is a toxic gas that creates free radicals, the opposite of what antioxidant vitamins do. Oxidation, however, is good when it occurs in harmful foreign organisms that have invaded the body. Ozone inactivates many disease bacteria and viruses.


Oxygen and ozone therapies are thought to benefit patients in the following ways:
  • stimulating white blood cell production
  • killing viruses (ozone and hydrogen peroxide)
  • improving the delivery of oxygen from the blood stream to the tissues of the body
  • speeding up the breakdown of petrochemicals
  • increasing the production of interferon and tumor necrosis factor, thus helping the body to fight infections and cancers
  • increasing the efficiency of antioxidant enzymes
  • increasing the flexibility and efficiency of the membranes of red blood cells
  • speeding up the citric acid cycle, which in turn stimulates the body's basic metabolism

Monday, August 5, 2013


Semoga lebaran kali ini membawa makna yang mendalam untuk sanubari kita...buat warga kota yang pulang ke kampung,berhati hati ketika memandu..dan ingatlah kepulangan anda di nanti dengan penuh harapan..

Ozone Team Quality Life mengucapkan Selamat Menyambut Hari Raya Aidilfitri..

Sunday, July 28, 2013

Terapi ozon masih terlalu baru di Malaysia namun telah lama diperkenalkan di Belgium, Itali, Perancis, Brazil, Rusia, Argentina, Jepun dan Singapura.

Malah di Indonesia, terapi ozon (sama ada sebagai alternatif ataupun sokongan) sudah bertapak di republik itu sejak 1992.
Terapi ozon tidak mengandungi pakej pengambilan ubat-ubatan. Menerusi proses pengoksidanan, sistem tubuh badan berfungsi jauh lebih baik kerana mendapat oksigen mencukupi.

#Di Malaysia, generator ozon ALIF-1 digunakan di beberapa hospital swasta di negara ini.

Persidangan Ozon Sedunia Ke-6 di Washington D.C. pada tahun 983 merumuskan tentang kegunaan ozon dan kebaikan terapi ozon seperti berikut:

- Membasmi kulat, bakteria dan virus.
- Mengurangkan risiko jangkitan hepatitis, HIV, sifilis atau penyakit-penyakit yang berjangkit melalui pemindahan darah
- Melegakan gejala angina akibat lemah jantung_memperbaiki sepenuhnya peredaran darah di badan dan fungsi serta peredaran darah ke jantung.
- Merencatkan barah, lymphomas dan leukemia tanpa pembedahan, radiasi atau kemoterapi
- Memulihkan penyakit rheumatoid dan artritis
- Merawat semua jenis alahan
- Mengawal Alzheimer dan Parkinson
- Menyembuhkan dengan berkesan kecederaan atau sakit luaran seperti melecur, luka, melecet, ulser, jerawat, fungus dan sakit kulit

Apakah kesan penggunaan ozon kepada badan?

Antaranya ialah:

- Merangsang penghasilan sel darah putih
- Merangsang penghasilan interluikin-2. Interluikin-2 berfungsi dalam sistem imun atau pertahanan badan
- Membunuh kebanyakan bakteria
- Menyerang dan menghapuskan virus dengan berkesan
- Mengoksida plak arteri iaitu memecahkan plak yang terdapat pada saluran darah (terutama bagi penyakit arteriosclerosis dan arthrosclerosis)
- Menguraikan petrokimia dan membuang semua toksik di dalam badan.

Apa kelebihan dan bagaimana respons terhadap terapi ini?

- Penggunaan ozon tidak menyakitkan
- Jauh lebih murah berbanding kos pembedahan bagi sesetengah penyakit
- Semakin banyak negara membenarkan pengamalan terapi ozon di seluruh dunia sejak tahun 1985. Lebih 6,000 alat atau mesin penghasil ozon dijual di Eropah.