Thursday, August 15, 2013

Ozone Therapy For Heart Disease


Ozone Therapy For Heart Disease

Ozone therapy is the fastest known method of treatment for patients with heart disease like cardiovascular complexities and fatigue. It takes less expense and time in comparison to the invasive procedures such as heart by-pass surgery or angioplasty.Ozone therapy has amazing record of successful uses in heart disease treatments.

Use of Ozone in cardiovascular diseases (especially angina) and chronic fatigue/pain has shown significant results in relief and operational success. This simple naturopathic medical procedure improves oxygen circulation and utilization of the heart tissues.

Medical Ozone can decrease the thickness and viscosity of blood that would make it easier for circulation and also stimulate dilation as well as relaxation of the artery walls. This can help recovery of the inner arterial space from fats that create blocks in the arteries (atheromatous plaques). 
 How does ozone therapy work in heart disease therapy

This therapy works as a strong stimulator for proper circulation (oxygen delivery to cells) and proper energy generation (oxygen utilization by cells). The human body cells, including the heart and muscles generate their own energy for use. Oxygen plays the key role in this process. If the amount of appropriate energy is generated by the cells, pain and fatigue will not occur or at least less than before.

Ozone helps with both in oxygen supply and oxygen use by the cells after the ozone-blood mixture has been delivered to veins. 
The Patient Experience The heart disease patients, who have received the therapy, expressed positive recommendations. A short medical survey based upon the patients’ opinions shows positive testimony. The treatment requires less amount of time, so it saves both time and expense. Physical movements and activities become easier, so they can walk, exercise and do regular activities without any kind of tension or pain.  They can think much clearly and life becomes more normal thus increasing quality of life.  

Ozone therapy does not require any recovery time and in fact most patients feel better and younger than before they come to the therapy center after treatment. They are able to drive themselves home after treatment.

As far as Safety, a medical study in Germany proved ozone to be the safest among all the medical therapies. There is a little possibility of allergy to heparin, though this is a commonly used blood thinner in all related medical treatments. Some patients do not like to see their own blood to be taken and processed, but they quickly become accustomed to this

Ozone Therapy For Diabetes


Ozone Therapy For Diabetis

Ozone therapy has been used for the treatment of many dangerous diseases. The conventional treatment system has been not so much of a benefit in the case of these diseases. Diabetes is one. In many countries of the world, ozone therapy is used for diabetes treatment.

Ozone therapy is an additional treatment for preventing complexities in case of diabetes along with probable amputations, diabetic retinopathy and improving ulcer healing. 
  In the case of diabetes treatment, ozone therapy has the following effects:

1. Improves the blood circulation.
2. Stimulate the antioxidant defense systems.
3. Activate immune cells.
4. Modulate immune system.
5. Activate red blood cells.
6. Disinfect and clean wounds.

 All these are very good for health. For a diabetes patient, all these are very important.

 Silvia Mendez is the Head of Medical Applications in Ozone Research Center in Cuba. According to her, ozone therapy is much more effective than any other treatment. According to Silvia, ozone therapy is good for diabetes because it not only avoids different complications but also achieve a better and faster healing of the ulcers.

 Moreover it affects the diabetic patient’s metabolism. After a good diet, the glucose parameters of the patient are normalized.

 Depending on the pathology, there are other ways of ozone application. Dorstewitz highlighted the parental application’s role. In these applications, major automotherapy is mostly used. It involves the extraction of patient’s blood. Through this blood, medical ozone is bubbled and then it go to the transfusion. This treatment is an extracorporeal one and it prevents application of intravascular gas.

 In Russia, there was a treatment of ozone therapy in diabetes. In this treatment, 38 patients were asked to give their opinions. There were 20 people who were suffering from 1st type of diabetes and the rest from 2nd type with different degrees of severity. Most of these patients were at the decomposition state and 22 have serious complexities. The treatment included the use of intravenous drop injection of the physiological solution along with the rectum injection O3/O2 of the mixture. In this course, there were almost 7 to 10 treatments. The amazing thing was that the patients found considerable improvement in their health state. They stopped complaints about being thirsty, frequent urination, skin itching, dry in a mouth tingling sensation etc. During the first hours, the glucose level of the patients lowered to 50 percent of their original level. This was a huge success. And by the time the course ended, the glucose level lowered to almost 30 percent. The best news was that almost all the patients returned home with an improved health condition. 

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Oxygen/Ozone Therapy


Oxygen/ozone therapy is a term that describes a number of different practices in which oxygen, ozone, or hydrogen peroxide are administered via gas or water to kill disease microorganisms, improve cellular function, and promote the healing of damaged tissues. The rationale behind bio-oxidative therapies, as they are sometimes known, is the notion that as long as the body's needs for antioxidants are met, the use of certain oxidative substances will stimulate the movement of oxygen atoms from the bloodstream to the cells. With higher levels of oxygen in the tissues, bacteria and viruses are killed along with defective tissue cells. The healthy cells survive and multiply more rapidly. The result is a stronger immune system.
Ozone itself is a form of oxygen, O3, produced when ultraviolet light or an electric spark passes through air or oxygen. It is a toxic gas that creates free radicals, the opposite of what antioxidant vitamins do. Oxidation, however, is good when it occurs in harmful foreign organisms that have invaded the body. Ozone inactivates many disease bacteria and viruses.


Oxygen and ozone therapies are thought to benefit patients in the following ways:
  • stimulating white blood cell production
  • killing viruses (ozone and hydrogen peroxide)
  • improving the delivery of oxygen from the blood stream to the tissues of the body
  • speeding up the breakdown of petrochemicals
  • increasing the production of interferon and tumor necrosis factor, thus helping the body to fight infections and cancers
  • increasing the efficiency of antioxidant enzymes
  • increasing the flexibility and efficiency of the membranes of red blood cells
  • speeding up the citric acid cycle, which in turn stimulates the body's basic metabolism